Fresenius Kabi and Calea Production

Production unit workforce

We have implemented measures specifically to minimise in-person contact between staff in the production unit and other departments. The company has implemented a number of staff segregation practices to keep these key operational staff apart from other departments as much as possible. 

Self-isolation staff cover; production unit, pharmacy and warehouse

We have been increasing the number of staff in the production over the recent months. 

In the event of staff self-isolating we have a number of contingency strategies that we can use to keep up with production:

  • Overtime and weekend working 
  • Cancel any non-essential training and re-deploy trainers to compounding 
  • Restriction on holidays 
  • Re-deployment of cross-trained staff
  • Patient specific contingency strategies

Our current contingency allows for higher-than-average staff absences and in the event that absenteeism is particularly high we have a number of contingency strategies that we can use to keep up with hospital and patient supplies.

We have enhanced our environmental cleaning policy to ensure more vigorous cleaning and more regular sanitisation of high-use items (e.g. door handles, light switches).

Supply chain 

There is no reason to expect that supplies will be affected, but contingency preparations are underway as a precaution. With global capability, the organisation will use all resources at its disposal to remain operational and to commit to prioritising supply to patients and hospitals. Where boarders have closed essential suppliers are still permitted to travel. 

  • We are performing constant reviews across our supply chain to monitor the status and stock-holding level of all products and ancillaries. At present these reviews do not indicate any risk of shortages
  • We have increased stock-holding in the UK and Europe where possible 
  • We have identified options to increase production in Eastern Europe
  • Santisation equipment has been stocked up at our premises (e.g. hand sanitisers, dispensers, tissues and bins

In relation to contingency for patient care and supply, we have implemented the following:

  • We continue to split parenteral, enteral, fluid and ancillary stock across our 2 sites; Cestrian Court I and Cestrian Court II 
  • We are working with hospitals to identify non-compounded alternatives as a back-up for all patients and we are liaising with the NHS and our Supply Chain partners, to ensure those contingencies are as effective as possible
  • Nursing contingency strategies are in place 

In relation to contingency for hospital supply, we have implemented the following: 

  • We continue to split parenteral, enteral, fluid and ancillary stock across our 2 sites; Cestrian Court I and Cestrian Court II