Length of time you were not well prior to starting HPN
Despite the gastric pacemaker, I soon required home enteral nutrition via a jejunostomy tube. Over the following 2 years, jejunostomy feeds became increasingly unbearable due to worsening gastroparesis and chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO). As the unrelenting symptoms and weight loss increased, I relied more on intermittent hospital admission for TPN (total parenteral nutrition) ‘pitstops’. A partial gastrectomy and intolerable cancer treatment for a rare stomach tumour complicated my gut and health issues during this time.
After 3 years of suffering with severe gastrointestinal symptoms and frequent emergency hospital admissions, my surgical team and I agreed it was time to start HPN. A review by a specialist intestinal failure consultant fully supported this major decision. She confirmed that my HPN would be lifelong, which was difficult but not surprising to hear.