
​Lipid emulsion containing 10% fish oil with a high percentage of ω-3 fatty acids

  • 10% natural fish oil emulsion supplement – the only one on the market
  • Optimizes the fatty acid pattern in parenteral nutrition
  • High percentage of very long-chain omega -3 fatty acids
  • Should be administered in combination with other lipid emulsions (Intralipid) or 3 CBs (Kabiven)
  • Flexible dosage

Omegaven as supplement in PN is indicated:

Parenteral nutrition supplementation with long chain omega-3-fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid, when oral or enteral nutrition is impossible, insufficient or contraindicated.


  • 1 ml up to max. 2 ml Omegaven/kg body weight
  • The infusion rate should not exceed 0.5 ml Omegaven/kg body weight/hour be administered simultaneously with other fat emulsions
  • Recommended total daily lipid intake of 1 - 2 g/kg body weight, the fish oil portion from Omegaven should constitute 10 - 20% of this intake

  • Presentation :
Glass bottles 50ml,100ml
  • Dosage / Administration:
Please refer to the nationally registered and approved product information

  • Especially following patient groups can benefit most from Omegaven:
    • Post-traumatic & post surgical
    • With different stages of abdominal & non-abdominal sepsis/SIRS
    • With peritonitis
    • Whose immune function is in need of support
    • At risk of any chronic or acute hyper-inflammatory process


  • Omega 3 PUFA-enriched lipid emulsions are associated with a statistically and clinically significant reduction in infection rate and length of ICU and hospital stay

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Highly refined fishoil:                                     10.0 g


eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)                           1.25 - 2.82 g

docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)                           1.44 - 3.09 g

dl-alpha-Tocopherol                                       0.015 – 0.0296 g                                                                                 

Purified egg phospholipids                               1.2 g                                                                                                  

Glycerol                                                         2.5 g                                                                                                  

pH value                                                        7.5 to 8.7                                                                                            

Osmolality                                                     308 – 376 (mosm/kg)

Osmolarity                                                     273 (mosmol/ l)                                                                                        

Energy (kcal/l)    470 kJ/100ml = 112 kcal/100ml

As Omegaven is a supplement, please see some examples regarding compatability:

  • Omegaven (0 – 100 ml) & Kabiven central (1026 ml, 1540 ml, 2053 ml, 2566 ml):  

stable for 48 hours between 20°C - 25°C (not stable for 7 days (6+1) when containing Omegaven)

  • Omegaven (10 – 150 ml) & Single lipid emulsions (e.g. Intralipid, Lipovenoes 10% PLR, Lipovenoes MCT):
    • Stable for 24 hours at 20°C-25°C.
    • 7 days, i.e. 6 days storage at 2-8°C followed by 24 hours at 20°C-25°C.