Propofol® 1% and 2% MCT Fresenius

Propofol 1% and 2% MCT Fresenius

Highly effective short acting hypnotic with an improved lipid component


  • Less pain on injection
  • Rapid onset of action
  • Short duration of effect due to rapid metabolism and elimination
  • Early recovery from anaesthesia with early and complete awakening
  • Less PONV compared to volatile anaesthetics
  • Over a billion propofol-based anaesthetics performed to date worldwide.1

PONV = Post-operative nausea and vomiting
1 IMS statistic annual book, Wiesbaden 2005

StrengthsPackagingPack size*
200 mg/20 ml20 ml glass ampoule5
1000 mg/50 ml50 ml glass vials1