Data Protection Statement for Visitors of Our Website

Data protection information for individuals visiting our website

Last updated April 2020, replaced by the latest version

As a visitor of our websites, we will collect and use certain personal data from you. This data protection statement informs you about the processing of personal data when visiting our website.

Please be aware that we also may process your personal data in other contexts, e.g. when you are a business contact for products or services, when you interact with us in your capacity as a healthcare professional, if you report an adverse reaction or if you submit a data subject request. Please see the specific information on the processing of your personal data in such situations.

We also inform you that our websites include links to external sites which are not covered by this data protection statement. Also, some of our Fresenius Kabi subsidiaries’ local websites provide data protection statements that may differ from this data protection statement. Your visit to such websites is subject to the respective data protection statement of that website.

We collect and use your data for the following purposes:

  • To validate, handle and respond to you based upon your inquiry or request
  • To fulfill our compliance requirements under pharmacovigilance and medicines laws
  • To make the website work for the device you use it on
  • To provide the best possible service to you and enhance your user experience
  • To optimize our website

We may collect and use your personal data in the following situations:

When visiting our website

We collect data of your visit to our site. We do this to present the website optimized to the device you are using and with all its functions or to store your preferences for your current or future browsing sessions.

We collect the following internet protocol data during your visits on our websites:

  • the name of your service provider including IP address
  • the website that directed you to our site
  • the pages visited on our website
  • your web browser type, and
  • the date and length of your visit.

Your IP address will be used in a pseudonymized manner by deleting the last three digits. That way we are no longer able to directly identify you as an individual.

Information we collect by using cookies

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally on your computer by your web browser.

You can refuse the use of certain cookies for this website. Find out more about how you can change your cookie settings. Please note that if you choose not to accept the use of cookies you may not be able to experience the full functionality of this website. If you choose to delete cookies, you may have to confirm certain dialogs once again.

Your cookie settings are always related to the web browser you are using, and the settings are of no effect if you use a different web browser upon your next use of this website. Alternatively, you can manage the settings of your web browser or on your mobile device. Here you can delete cookies at your own discretion at any time.

We use the following types of cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies

This type of cookies is required to make the website work. They are exclusively used by us during the session and are therefore so called first party session cookies.

They help to make the page load more quickly and to limit the number of sessions originating from a user to prevent a website-overload.

They remain valid during the session and are automatically deleted when you close the browser.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies save the choices you make while visiting this website in order to offer you an improved functionality and personal features.

We use a "cookie notifier" cookie, which saves your decision either to agree with the usage of cookies on our website or not. It is saved automatically upon your click on one of the two options available. Your acceptance of our cookies is stored for one year from the acceptance date. If you decide to refuse our cookies, your decision will be stored for 30 days. During this time the cookie information banner will not be shown again.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies allow us to analyze the way the website is used. This enables us to optimize its performance and increase the user experience. Our website uses Matomo, formerly Piwik, a web analytics tool. With this tool We track how often visitors use a page of our website, which pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from our pages. Your IP address will be processed in a pseudonymized manner by deleting the last three figures. That way we are no longer able to directly identify you as an individual. The IP-address that is transmitted will not be merged with any other data collected by us. We will delete this data within three years.

Social media cookie

When you press ‘I consent’ in the social media feeds section, a cookie will be placed. You are then able to see the activity streams of our corporate social media channels which are embedded on our website. Your consent is stored for the duration of your visit through our “social media streams” cookie.

When activating social media plug-ins and activity feeds

If you activate plug-ins or activity feeds of social media providers (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram or WhatsApp), your web browser will connect to the servers of the respective providers and send your specific user data to these providers.

In addition, if you are currently logged in to a social network of one of the above-mentioned providers, your activity may be linked to your user account with these providers at the same time.

Plug-ins for sharing via "Shariff"

In order to secure your privacy, we are using a tool called “Shariff”. Shariff enables you to decide whether and when to activate the share plug-ins on our website and, by doing so, whether to initiate a transfer of user specific data to the provider. Only if you specifically activate a plug-in via Shariff, your browser will connect to the servers of the respective provider and the user specific data (as further referenced below) will be sent to that provider. You activate a plug-in via Shariff, by clicking on one of the respective share buttons.

Activating activity feeds

When you activate the activity feed by clicking on the inactive mask on our website, your browser will connect to the servers of each provider and the user-specific data (as further referenced below) will be sent to each provider. Please note that a cookie is set automatically upon clicking on the mask and will be stored for the duration of your browsing session. During this time the mask will not be shown again.

Fresenius Kabi has no influence on the scope or the kind of data that will be submitted by activating the plug-ins or activity feed. Besides, further data processing operations could be triggered, on which we do not have any influence. To learn more about the scope of personal data collected and processed, the purpose your data may be used for, as well as your respective rights and configuration options in order to protect your privacy (including your right of withdrawal of consent), please refer to the respective social network’s data protection statement.


As part of the activity feed, we may incorporate videos from YouTube on our website. YouTube uses cookies in order to collect user-specific data on its website, amongst other uses, for recording video statistics, preventing fraud, and improving the user-friendliness. By starting a video, further data-processing operations could be triggered simultaneously, on which we do not have any influence. 

Information you provide to us

We collect and process data you actively provided to us for instance when filling in online forms or when contacting us by other means of communication such as e-mail, telephone or mail. Such data includes:

  • First and last name
  • Gender
  • Contact and address information (including address data, e-mail address, phone number, fax number)
  • Country of residence
  • Company
  • Profession
  • Type of request and possible further information for the purpose of responding to your inquiry

We process your personal data on one or more of the following legal bases:

  • You have given us your consent for the intended processing or international transfer of your personal data, (Art. 6.1 a and Art. 49.1 a GDPR). This is the case for cookies and when you activate the social plug-ins or where you provide data to us relating to a request to a Fresenius Kabi entity outside Europe
  • The processing of your personal data is necessary for us in order to comply with a legal obligation we are subject to (Art. 6.1 c GDPR)
  • The processing is necessary for purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data (Art. 6.1 f GDPR). These legitimate interests are:
    • the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims
    • to provide information on our products and service via a working and optimized website.

We collaborate with other organizations to achieve our purposes. Therefore, we may send your personal data in parts or as a whole to other organizations.

Such recipients are:

  • Other Fresenius Group companies if such a transfer of personal data is required for the specific purpose (Please refer to the overview of the locations in which Fresenius Kabi Group companies are active)
  • Service providers which process personal data on our behalf (e.g. for hosting or maintenance services) and have to follow our instructions on such processing; these service providers will not be allowed to use your personal data for other than our purposes
  • Authorities, courts, parties in a litigation in case we are required to do so to meet any applicable laws, regulations, legal processes or enforceable governmental requests
  • Professional advisors or auditors, such as tax advisors, financial auditors, lawyers, insurers, banks and other external professional advisors in the countries in which we operate

International data transfers

We may send your personal data in parts or as a whole to Fresenius Group recipients or our service providers other international organizations in countries, which are not member states of the European Union, for the purposes listed above. Please refer to the overview of the locations in which Fresenius Kabi Group companies are active.
We may send data to the following countries for which the European Commission has determined an adequate level of data protection to be in place that matches the level of data protection within the European Union for the following countries / international organizations in which Fresenius entities are located: Argentina, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland or Uruguay.

With regards to such international data transfers to third countries, for which the European Commission has not decided that an adequate level of data protection exists, we have provided appropriate safeguards in order to secure your personal data to a degree that equals the level of data protection in the European Union.

These safeguards are:

  • For the exchange of data within our company: our Binding Corporate Rules for Controllers 
  • For the exchange of data with our service providers and other international organizations: Standard Contractual Clauses that have been issued by the European Commission

You can obtain a copy of these Standard Contractual Clauses and our Binding Corporate Rules, online, or upon request.

Your contact details will be stored for up to six months after the inquiry has been completed unless legal obligation exists to retain data for a longer duration.

Information collected via cookies will be stored as long as the cookie is valid as explained above.

Depending on the situation you have certain rights regarding your personal data. You have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data
  • Request rectification of your personal data
  • Request erasure of your personal data
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal data
  • Data portability
  • Object on grounds specific to your situation

You can exercise these rights online by using the data protection contact form.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with our data protection officer or the supervisory authority.

Data Protection Officer:

Fresenius Kabi AG
Data Protection Officer
Else-Kröner-Straße 1
61352 Bad Homburg

Data Protection Authority:

Der Hessische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1
65189 Wiesbaden

Requirements to provide personal data

Your personal data is required to make the website accessible to you and to be able to follow up on your inquiry.

If you do not provide your personal data, the website will not work, and we may not be able to respond to or properly process your request.

Changes to this data protection statement

As our collection and use of your data may change over time, we may also modify this data protection statement to always correctly reflect our data processing practices. We encourage you to review it from time to time.

The controller and responsible entity for processing of personal data is:

Fresenius Kabi AG
Else-Kröner-Straße 1
61352 Bad Homburg